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Covid 19 survivor! How to deal with Quarantine? Hikikomori syndrome? Reiki videos meditation

Writer's picture: Rizwana A.MundewadiRizwana A.Mundewadi

Hikikomori, a term I heard in past few years, not even aware of this as it came about in a movie, and the mind with its inquisitiveness finally found to answers to my emotions, my feelings and my chosen soul pathway. Going through this tough lockdown period and hearing so much news about deaths and diseases sickness and challenges, being a Covid 19 survivor so many things emerged with clarity now with understanding the fragility of life. Life is so precious and beautiful, trust me, you have to be blessed to be breathing now, because so many just took their last breath!!!

The Hikikomori syndrome that had intrigued me is over lapping today with Covid 19 lockdown times and even now in year 2021. Families, children's, elders, all confined to their homes and searching for joy within those limitations of finances, and space. Many quarantine people are taking to spiritual videos and exercises apps to take charge of their health weight and mental status. Do not panic, take charge. Fear is the fort emotion that makes you lose the battle. I actually talked to the virus and thanked it many times, it is of course a virus, isn't it? media has inflated it to something demon like. Be hydrated and be healthy with rich nutritious diet. I am one person who cannot tolerate most medicines expect for paracetamol and and few.

Fire Serpent! Reiki Dragon symbol art

Reiki to heal quickly from any disease. Actually finding their families are wonderful people and finding ways to make the most of this are my Reiki healing videos to help heal those misunderstanding and create a bond, a lasting pure bond of love between all family members and I hope this time will bring the most beautiful transformation the Universe is seeking since ages and bring people together with love.

So much vibrations of internet, so much plastic, so much uprooting of tress, so much abuse to health and body, so much imbalance in caring and giving, detachment of relationships, selfishness, so much travelling tourism, much was going for the Earth that she collapsed due to man made mistakes and finally the Universe started to make major changes to bring some harmony in her system.

We have to thank Corona virus for bringing beautiful lessons to our life. Suddenly our eyes are wide open. Ease out anxiety during lockdown times Reiki healing.

Especially those who have faced this and gone through the quarantine period. So much fear, insecurity, unsurety, and restlessness comes and media does not help in any way. For those who are hospitalized the challenge is more difficult with no family member allowed to visit them till fifteen or more days. For those who lost precious lives there is no replacement for this sudden loss. We have to thank corona for she came with here lessons for those who understand and accept the divine plan. You learn to let go, you learn to forgive and forget and you learn how precious these few moments of breaths are and want to live the most from this.

Forgiveness Reiki! Set Yourself Free! experience live Reiki flow with this YouTube video.

What is Hikikomori?

In Japan many adolescents and young adults are more and more choosing to be confined to enclosed spaces and for months/years not having  any social contact tot he outside world. Media, social networks, technology ipads ear phones, tabs, laptops and Alexa and personal assistants have been so over powering/addicting that children and young adults hardly find the need to make any social  contact with the outside world. 

Be aware that we are not talking here of confining to home space for few days or weeks for sickness, vacations, personal breakups or any other emotional causes. Here the children are healthy and yet there is absolutely no need to go out! 

Hikikomori began in the early 1990's it preceded general increase in internet usage. 

Hikikomori's are described as loners or modern day hermits, Estimates suggest that more than half a million Japanese youth are affected and become social recluses, and more than half a million middle aged individuals in Japan are Hikikomori's - by Wikepedia.

Simply put all needs are being provided for from their confined space so there is actually no need for them to step out of their comfort zone.

Is this normal? parents are getting more and more worried as the numbers of Hikikomori's in japan is increasing and in fact the whole world is being gradually affected by this Hikikomori syndrome spreading like wild in all countries from  United States, Spain, South Korea, Finland, Morocco, Italy, France to India. 

Hikikomori statistics- "According to Japanese government figures released in 2010, there are 700,000 individuals living as hikikomori within Japan, with an average age of 31. Still, the numbers vary widely among experts. ... Additionally, the government estimates that 1.55 million people are on the verge of becoming hikikomori.

The government has estimated Japan's population of hikikomori aged 15–64 to be 1.15 million. But Saitō believes the authorities may be under counting the shut-ins; he suggested that the figure could be more like 2 million"

(Information  Credit Google) 

There was always the feeling of being aloof, being alone for so many hours each day painting, being with plants and birds, and very less human contact except for a few functions that may come up in about six months or a year! but well, artists need inspiration and if you are over the media and on the web twenty fours hours and day socializing partying then how will you find time to make art? You will not be able to contact me on phone(because I don't take unknown number calls), its always by email,whatsapp or social media. 

So its ok to live in your majestic solitude as long as you are not completely off from social contact and fear social conversations, its ok to choose the majestic solitude.

But not so much that you cannot talk to anyone, you cannot see directly in their face and converse, or you fear abandonment and go inwards deep into the abyss of inner chaos. 

Hikikomori in Japanese means "pulling inwards" 

Even during lockdown times you have to get some sun and go out at least in few days with N95 mask to keep in touch with the outside world. To feel the earth soil below your feet and get grounding energy. During strict lockdowns we have supplies that are home delivered and even online shopping increased for those who have financial freedom.

Take charge by choosing healthy foods, fruits, trying new dishes to maintain some excitement in your family, exercising is a must to be healthy and meditation is your soul booster. Peace of mind clarity and starting fresh dreams with this lockdown, you will realize there are actually new markets, new opportunities and new careers setting up with these challenging times...those who search find... limitless opportunities.. and Thank God that you are alive!!

coming to this term, How do you recognize a Hikikomori?

1) more than six months of not going outside home.

2) Spending most time and almost everyday alone in their room.

3) Not attending any social functions or get together, avoiding any social connections physically  outside home.

4) No physical or biological sickness or cause is seen after examination medically.

5) Almost every minute engrossed in phones and internet web activity, eating sleeping with technology on and connected. Most are addicts to virtual online games and porn. Addictions to pornography which chakras and free Reiki healing video on YouTube.

6) Have very few or no real friends except for the virtual ones. May be shy , introverted and avoid conversation even with family except to someone family member be it father/mother/sibling.

7) Feel pressures of the outside world as in school/college and become recluse. Avoid schooling, drop out of academic education institutions and may appear unhappy, angry, irritable or dull.

8) Avoiding any form of communication with known people and family and issues with self care.

9) Fear of commitment and high level of insecurity and low self esteem. This also can be opposite on the scale with high stress, anger, irritability and angry outbursts.

Reasons why this social behavioral issue has become over whelming may be so many. Society pressures, norms of behavior, cultural pressures, financial issues, too much parental control, over protective fearful parents, very strict home culture, simply putting as in Reiki healing that their soul purpose is not fulfilled and they are led away from it hence the larger the difference between expectations of elders and parents and reality brings this break down energy of cutting off completely from social contact and confining themselves to home/ their room.

Hikikomori's are usually seen in affluent families who have all the facilities and resources available for the children. 

Internet , mobile phones, gaming, virtual reality, video games, internet addiction, social media addiction, is all that has over the years brought about subtle changes which parents and families never pay attention too and then gradually leads their children young adults to isolation/confinement and becoming a social recluse.

How the awareness enfolds and opens up in front of parents is another important issue. Do the parents of Hikikomori's face the society or do they avoid talking about their children fearing being termed as failures in parenting? 

Happy Solar Plexus art displayed
Happy Solar Plexus art displayed

Not just the young adults it is a viscous circle of no support from anyone as each one fears being labelled as an influencer in the child's today condition. While grand parents may cover up and pamper the child assuring them of financial support, parents avoid conversing with their child hoping the condition will feasle out gradually on its own with age. Friends too may start avoiding contacting and then the child goes in his comfort zone, of quietness and solitude. they end up eating, sleeping and being on the web for most hours of the day.

Effects of Hikikomori syndrome-

Loss of appetite is but natural with no physical activity. Dull and low energy vibes as no sunlight or external environment experiences are taken for more than six months. Having no or very less direct eye contact when speaking with anyone even in family. 

Our main focus now and aim is to reintegrate the Hikikomori into the flow of society and make them constructive and fruitful productive living souls. 

You can feel their pain.. their souls purpose confused, then medical science experiments and studies also indicate that there are one or more social emotional behavioral disorders over lapping this syndrome. Be it obsessive compulsive disorder, mental retardation, ADHD, schizophrenia and bi polar disorder. 

Pain in terms of feeling very guilty of not conforming to social norms, of not playing the role their parents wish them to play in society, of being unable to study and earn a substantial amount of income. 

What you can do? The change has to come from all sectors. Helping out Hikikomori's is the need of the hour, wanting to help them garrulity connect with the outside physical world/ society by involving them in little social activities and smaller functions. Giving  them small responsibilities may help in gaining them confidence. Unconditional love from parents is one of the most important criteria in rehabilitating Hikikomori back in the real world. Stop judging them and start understanding, listening,  supporting them to heal. 

Its quite a difficult task for anyone to understand their behavior without being judgmental as there is no physical sickness seen in these Hikikomori's / young adults. they may also talk very confidently to the healer and avoid bringing this subject of social isolation. Sometimes they need regular counselling along with reiki and may also need some psychiatric medication under supervised care.

Reiki Healers Path- As we approach a Hikikomori with auras and energy approach it is a long process to purify the auras from embedded energy of years of isolation, negative self limiting beliefs and energy stagnation. be aware that this is a very powerful pulling energy that is invisible to the naked eye. 

Hikikomori's have this very strong pulling energy that will pull you into their energy without even you being aware of this, so it is very important that the healers be really grounded and have protection symbols over them while communicating with hikikomori's.

The first point is the soul has forgotten their true purpose. remember each one of us has been born to fulfill their destiny. the true path emerges for some naturally, for some its comes after meditations and tapasya and some are yet lost about in the abyss thus carrying this energy into the next life. 

1) physical activity. As simple as giving responsibility to your child to help lay the table for lunch or dinner. Let them bring things for home like shopping for fruits vegetables and snacks.

2) exercise- yoga, meditation, some equipment too helps to bring up the hormonal level boosting their immune system. Sweat works wonders!(do this exercises with guidance). meditation when done in the north east sector of your house benefits more as Feng shui this sector is for self realization. 

3)diet- always works wonders! fresh fruits, healthy foods and liquids to replenish energy. In Reiki it is of utmost importance to have lots of fluids as this washes away body toxins and negative energy. 

4)social contact activities- Make the social activities! you will find ways, mother's day, father's day, pet's day, sister's day and birthdays  anniversary, friend's day, little achievements day, weekly success days, and so much, you can start up and bring your child involve them in social contact activities , go slowly. Carefully give them responsibility of elders or caring and talking to them which will make a bond. Usually Hikikomori's bond with their grandparents or aunts, siblings as compared to their parents.

5) regular parent child counselling talking communications to let each one speak whatever their heart feels like. May not be a relevant subject but let your child speak. Aim here is to find out if any cause for the behavior. this will help your healer to guide you better. What better than have five minutes daily with truth or dare! you will be amazed at the unfolding truths coming out! They love games, play the games, just not virtual but live ones!

Self acceptance is the first step. Not comparing self and accepting ones limitations and becoming aware of one's plus points. 

6) Distance Reiki healing sessions connect directly to the energy by waves across countries and cities, and it works. If they are willing to then its pre decided time if they are not open to energy sessions parents can make intentions and ask for assistance from Universe energies through the healer. The energy will work upon the mind and the external aura the sixth template where all the plans of set, the incidences the happenings are all first set up in the outermost template. We begin work from here and slowly as the healee opens up and accepts the energy each layer is tapped and activated going through every time balancing the seven main chakras and bring in balance and harmony. 

7) Reiki symbol healing art when displayed is a very powerful means to work upon the brain and behavior helping one's soul to connect to the symbols that gradually will show you changes in the Hikikomori's behavior. Viewing healing art and being surrounded by symbols every where around your home space will keep their connections on and they will feel the pull reduce slowly of their confinement. Holistic approach, each Feng Shuii sector needs to be harmonized according to the Feng Shui Ba Gua bringing in five element energy to bring harmony in the home space. Unblocking the energy from the auric fields to make a fresh healthy reiki energy template for future experiences.

You become aware! the first step of becoming aware of the energy amiss. Unless there is a problem you realize there will be no solution.

8) Earth Gaia blessings are what is lacking. Karmic or past life energy blockages may be responsible too. Asking forgiveness from mother Earth by planting and caring for green plants will show you immense benefits with your child going through Hikikomori. You may begin with having indoor plants, and allowing your adolescent to care for it(be prepared for may plant deaths and erratic caring techniques in the beginning as gradually you child will learn to connect with the plant and see its growth, so also you will see your child blossom).

Forgetting their soul purpose is what leads souls astray. Feeling trapped yet unable to take action. being aware yet not doing anything  physically to come out of the situations. It may not be easy but it is possible, if only you wish for!

Reiki is a pure energy form and the Universe has everything in abundance, tap it correctly and see how your life unfurls like a pretty lotus! A Thousand Petalled Lotus, that's what we are ,each one of us, even the Hikikomori's!

With Corona lockdown times we all are facing this syndrome in some form or other. Eat healthy, pray and meditate, call your family and friends daily and do video calls to maintain the physical presence of humans in your life. Going from 19 to year 2020 and yet in 2021, this seems to be new way of life emerging, and who knows this may become the norm for future generations!!make the most of this, remember the Universe loves clarity and confidence ... survival of fittest!

Reiki healing arts mediation video- Remove Abundance blocks from your life

 for doubts, sharing thoughts and experiences with hikikomori, and guidance comment or email me. If you are facing this or your loved ones do share your experiences. 

Thank you for connecting! God Bless! and here's wishing family blessings with Reiki meditation video- may your family be together healthy and safe!

All paintings in this post are my original hand made artworks available for sale.

Recent sale to Reiki art lovers
Recent sale to Reiki art lovers United States

Recent Sale to Dubai Reiki Art Lover
Recent Sale to Dubai Reiki Art Lover

This is Your  Red Pilgrim, the light she wishes she had during her times of darkness...

Dedicated since year 2000 towards bringing joy to the world with my Reiki symbol healing paintings.

On studio front making some healing art cards and specific intentions videos for YouTube to allow reiki to reach souls , Recent sales, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, for those who have committed to changing their lives for a better future! I always customize with added energy for purpose and wishes symbols before sending any healing painting to the buyers.

Always be in the mode of gratitude ... remember what you focus on increases. And more is given to you!! what you complain then even what you have will be taken from you...that is the SECRET! Have a magical life!!


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All Paintings and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved including making prints © Rizwana A.Mundewadi


India, Maharashtra, Thane 400612

*Disclaimer- Always remember there is no replacement for hard sincere efforts. Reiki healing art is not a replacement to modern medicine.. 

2000-2025 © by Rizwana A.Mundewadi. Proudly created with

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