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Enso Green Abundance!

Enso Green Abundance!


Enso Green Abundance! Reiki Enso painting for wealth by healing artist Rizwana A.Mundewadi. Absolutely focussed with clear thoughts. Chose off white drawing paper, base, 9x12 inches, Acrylic paints,Year 2017.

Enso Green Abundance. for growth , goodluck, harmony and balance.  Emergence of Enso in any artists life is an Awesum Amazingly beautiful feeling, spiritual connection and bliss! Healing meditation, going through a lot, emotional changes, coming to terms with situations and self, deep within, bringing harmony and living in the moment. Enjoying the blessings from the Universe. Reiki symbol the triple coiled symbol, awakening Kundalini energy.  Cho Ku Rei. A beautiful healing calligraphy painting, Enso, represents growth, harmony, balance and living in the moment. Complete, stable, strength.

Enso . Awesum happiness with loading brushes and a swift stroke, Enso are different, they may or may not be complete circles, and may even be irregular , but there is no pressure for perfection, that is the charm of Enso!

Love the Vibrating Pulsating Energy of this Enso, grounding energy, stability and action, healing heart chakra  I Am Well Balanced! I am Abundant! very beautiful spiritual colour, the color of the heart chakra and red the colour of activating root chakra.  Harth a beautiful reiki symbol, improves thoughts and develops great concentration , compassion and self acceptance . Once the heart  chakra is happy and activated , it brings intuitive energy to make right decisions, self acceptance, self focus and realization of goals. following your heart, trusting,and being in each moment. Learning to express yourself without getting angry. Able to communicate your needs and emotions and also give and receive love. Reiki symbol brings harmony, it helps every one, balances energy in every body with feminine and  masculine energy.  Great healing painting for meditation, the beautiful Enso Growth and Abundance. Not just for wealth, of course wealth and money, but also in all aspects of life. 

Enso calligraphy symbols art, acrylics on drawing paper, 9.5x 12.5 inches, year 2017. 

Thank you for coming by Razarts!

All the Best from Rizwana/The Red Pilgrim!

SKU: 00353

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