Golden Rose!
A beautiful expression, pouring oranges, greens, blues, turquoise, reds, and what a beautiful magenta brown color has emerged. Reiki abstract floral healing art, Sigil markings, I am a warrior! A shout out of confidence energy!am worthy Of true love respect, success abundance flowers in me. The size of this large sized brown healing painting is 22x28 inches size, year 2021, acrylics on hand made paper backed with hand made card paper. Artwork is in Good Condition.Comes with Authenticity certificate. Price mentioned is without frame. Shipping free. letting the paints take its own course , emerging as mystical forms. Roses , the Golden Rose of Abundance! Feng shui Evil eye forms an interesting point, along with white triple coiled symbol, Cho Ku Reis of unfurling, improvement and a pathway towards successful life. No true brown used, just very little, most of it is a combination of colours! But the emerging magenta glow brown is Awesum, coming from flourescent orange, Earth energy as well as Heaven luck, and a contemporary Zen abstract , Sigil markings, I am a Warrior! Self love, confidence, worthy of love and respect. Great Reiki healing art for White walls!Thanks for connecting!Thank you for coming by Razarts!All the Best from The Red Pilgrim!All Paintings and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved © 2000-2017 Rizwana A.MundewadiDO NOT COPY FOR FEAR OF KARMA!
SKU: 00213