Strawberry Bon Bons of Love! Modern fruit reiki painting
Strawberry Bon Bons of Love! bringing joy to your life with fruit reiki joy energy paintings! Acrylic on drawing paper, size 10x14 inches, year 2016. Without frame. Shipping free.
Tangy Fresh citrus Strawberry bon bons of Love! Love Strawberries for their nutritive value, taste and Awesum colour! eating one always gives me instant freshness and happiness! Going with happiness healing art, hitting the taste buds and nasal senses! red love happiness bon bons, chocolates, The smell of chocolate increases theta brain waves, brings feel good factor, relaxation. Contentment. Delicious, melting moments of happiness! Eating does bring Out of this world experience as the chocolaty bon bons melt... love, for chocolates , inspired by the melting cocoa chocolate, moments of happiness, Chinese symbols Love , Reiki symbols Yin Yang balance, in this Chocolaty Healing painting! Awesum Sweet Healing Happiness! Instead of the anxiety , anti depressant depression pill go for a chocolaty healing painting!
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All the Best from Rizwana!